Instagram Filters Filters for product releases and events.
São Paulo Lights Festival 2020
Job as Videomaker for the Festival.
Quarantine Network
The Rede Quarentena Project consists of projections throughout the city of São Paulo to disseminate information on the prevention of Coronavirus, in addition to some artistic content.–egw
Videos for Social Media – Visualfarm–tEnvG7Ww
Araras Memory House
The Pedro Pessoto Filho House of Memory is like a museum that gathers, organizes, preserves and disseminates visual, sound, bibliographic and documentary records related to the memory of the city of Araras. I was responsible for editing…
Portraits Course MIS
Photographs taken in the course “Portraits and Photographic Essays” – 02 to 23 July 2018 at MIS – Museum of Image and Sound of São Paulo.